söndag 3 oktober 2010


This day has been so long, but long in a good way. The weather was awesome, it couldn't be better for my birthday girl who is turning 21! First we were supposed to see the cycling championship by the Federation Square, but the time was fucked up so we missed it. We decided to go and buy a bag in pink for our next trip (me in the bag).. haha. After that we ate a really nice birthday cake that I made myself (I actually turned into Gordon Ramsey when a made it). Marty came and we went for a second shopping round and ate dinner at Bearbrass (first time I tried kangaroo meat). Later on we watched a few episodes of Dexter and then played bowling. Sara was so excited. But guess who lost. It starts with an S and ends with ARA! Marty won, but that was kind of expected. But not expected that Sara was actually losing for real. If you know her she is a baaad baaad loooser. But I'm proud of her anyway because she is 21 and my Very best friend and my little sister.

Happy birthday to you my love! I hope you had a lovely day, I did because I was with Sara and Marty, our awesomeness friend!

1 kommentar:

  1. beautiful b-day hey! haha kände inte ritkgit igen Marty när jag såg bilderna, såå långhårig! fan vad jag saknar melbourne, helt otroligt! Är det varmt i melbourne nu igen? tiden går grymt fort, snart åker ni igen. Jag åkte ju redan i mars och det känns som det gått galet fort. Önskar er den bästa tiden någonsin nu, ta hand om er! saknar er! Hellie
