söndag 31 oktober 2010

Bangkok to Taiwan

Hi there! We've been a little bit busy. That's why this post is late. We are now in Hsinchu, Taiwan. It's been very nice. We eat out every day because it is soooo cheap. The funniest thing so far is when you throw the trash. The truck comes by every Tuesday and Thursday night, and you can hear a sound of a melody (like an ice-cream truck in Sweden) . When you hear that sound you go down and while the truck pass by you just throw the trash into a hole. So everyone is standing there by the street and waiting for it to pass by and throw the garbage. Hard to explain. But anyway. Here are some pics from Bangkok at Fuse´s place. We slept over at his place before we went to Taiwan.

1 kommentar:

  1. Oh, i miss you guys. Sara sleeping, haha, so cute. Marty
