lördag 13 november 2010


Yo bitches and whores!
We are still safe here in Taiwan, but we have been experiencing an earthquake A very small one though. It was actually awesome. We have always wondered what it feels like and now we know.
Yesterday we went to another eat -as- much -you- can-in-three-hours-thing with Minh and his friends but this time in Taipei. It was bit different from Shabu Shabu. This time it was a BBQ. We had our own grill and we could choose whatever we wanted. Everything from seafood and meat to desserts and soft drinks. My favourite was the marshmallows and Linda's favourite was chicken heart! Haha! We were so full. When Peter came back from the toilet he told us that there was a sign above a sink saying "puke here". He is the only one who can read Chinese well. Far out:)

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