onsdag 24 november 2010



Sorry for not writing lately, we've been lazy and a little bit busy. Me and Sara went to see Taroko Gorge. We stayed in Hualien and rented a pink motorbike. It took us about 2 hour to drive there, because we didn't know the way and we had to ask people about the way and no one could speak english almost.. There is no words and pictures to describe that magnificent place. You have to see it for yourself! But we will anyway put some pics up of that place later on.. and of course our motorbike ;)

lördag 13 november 2010


Yo bitches and whores!
We are still safe here in Taiwan, but we have been experiencing an earthquake A very small one though. It was actually awesome. We have always wondered what it feels like and now we know.
Yesterday we went to another eat -as- much -you- can-in-three-hours-thing with Minh and his friends but this time in Taipei. It was bit different from Shabu Shabu. This time it was a BBQ. We had our own grill and we could choose whatever we wanted. Everything from seafood and meat to desserts and soft drinks. My favourite was the marshmallows and Linda's favourite was chicken heart! Haha! We were so full. When Peter came back from the toilet he told us that there was a sign above a sink saying "puke here". He is the only one who can read Chinese well. Far out:)

onsdag 10 november 2010


We took another trip to Taipei yesterday, just the two of us. It was a mission for us since almost nobody here can speak english. We had lunch at Starbucks and checked out 101 which is a very high building (used to be the highest in the world for a couple of years ago).
After that we did some more shopping. We took the metro to Zhongxiao Dunha only we had a little incident on the way. We suddenly realized that we were at our stop and that we had to get off the train. Linda who was closest to the door rushed off and was so happy that she made it that she forgot that I was with her. She then heard me screaming "nooo... I won't make it.....". The doors were closed and the train set off. Good thing for us that we are not "blondes". Two minutes later we laughed our heads off as we saw each other again. Linda saw me straight away as I was the only white person on the crowded train!
We had a beautiful dinner at IKEA. Meatballs. Not very cultural but good as hell. We took the elven bus back to Hsinchu. "The Death Ride" is what I would call it. The bus driver was crrrraaazzy. He took over all cars and even the bus that had left Taipei ten minutes before us. He even had a battle with another bus. Of course our driver won. The funny thing is that when we got off the bus and had to pay we realized that he was the kindest driver we had ever met.
When we got got home we were prepared for Linda's brothers comments on our bargains. We we're right ha said exactly what we thought he was gonna say; ugly, pyjamas, dog shoes, and so on and so on! But we know that he likes them in his heart ! hahaha


Hi there!
We have now been experiencing the Taipei nightlife. People are a lot more horny here than we thought. Jesus. There was a couple who basically had sex with their clothes on. Anyway lots of fun. There were different entertainments.. like fire shows, "luxy girls" ( taiwanese girls dancing in pretty much just underwear) and other stuff. Everyone thought that Linda is a taiwanese girl and when they found out that she is not they assumed that she is an ABC (American born chinese) hahaha! She then replied; no I´m a SBC (swedish born chinese).

torsdag 4 november 2010


We've been shopping in Taipei. Man! that was awesome. We found a really cool hidden place with a lot of korean and japanese clothing and the price was payable. But we're not done yet with the shopping. It's not easy when the two guys want to shop. My brother is going crazy and tries everything... but we have many days left, so we can be caaalm. Tonight is the night when we're all having fun at a club! It will be interesting to experience the nightlife here.