torsdag 30 september 2010


Fine day today. While Sara has been working I went to see our friend Nick at his shop SAint Cloud, very cool one too. I occupied his computer as usual. Now I'm sitting here listening to Sara playing the electric guitar, she rocks! Nowadays it's Sara on guitar instead of me. Wiho!


onsdag 29 september 2010


Here are some more pics from Sydney!


God it feels good to be back home after meeting my big family in Sydney. All I was beeing told there was;" oh you look like your Mum, or no you look like your dad, ey god you're fat!" haha. Well, for me it's just funny. Here are some photos from Sydney.

Oh I forgot.. I missed my LITTLE sister so much. I haven't felt so happy for a long time when i saw her standing there at the restaurant. =)

So long suckers, haha. More pics to come.

söndag 26 september 2010


The swedish ice hockey league Elitserien has just started and my dad and the family are in Gothenburg to see Frolunda vs Brynas! Damn it! I want to see the game too! GO BRYNAS!


tisdag 21 september 2010

All by Myself

Linds is in Sydney for a week. I miss you a lot darling, but I'm keeping busy! Yesterday I had dinner with Sahara and Shaun from work! So much fun! Probably the kindest people I've ever met! Also, the other day Marty and I went to the cinema and saw Piranha. I'm warning you guys! Do not see it! Worst movie ever! (Martin's choice of course).
Anyways, come home soon little sister!<3

See ya soon!

tisdag 14 september 2010

Oprah House

Oprah has announced that she and her audience are coming to Australia in December! Check this crazy video out! They are gonna go for shopping in Melbourne, check out the Great Barrier Reef and also shoot an episode inside the "Oprah House". Far out!

Wish we were still in Australia then!

måndag 13 september 2010


I have been working out today, while Sara was sick. But she's been recovering by eating stuff. We had some nice food. The dessert was awesome! We call it.... hmm we don't know actually. It doesn't have a name yet. We have also been watching Chill out Scooby doo and Cleaner. Good entertainment.

(Notice the Twilight mug, hehe..)

söndag 12 september 2010

Yes Chef

Finally!!! Masterchef Junior started tonight and it is awesome! These kids can cook for sure! Can't wait for the next episode!

Sara & Linda

fredag 10 september 2010


Sara, she's been listening to one hit wonders songs from our early age. They are pretty catchy actually haha. Toybox and Pandora, Nostalgic!

Omg.... haha


Hey there!
We lost some photos because we had virus in our computer. But here are some of the pics left. More to come..


It sucks to sell something when you feel so attached to it. In this case, it's a wooden piece with strings on it, my guitar. Well, the thing is that I have to leave it behind, because it will be so complicated when we are going to keep on travelling. Lucky me that I can get some money for it though...

torsdag 9 september 2010


You guys have to read this awesome book called Wetlands. It is about a girl and she does all these nasty, weird, sexual stuff. It all begins with her cutting her ass while shaving it. She goes to the hospital and she finds out that she also has hemorrhoids and stuff and that she has to have an operation....

Have a good read!
Linds and Sassie

tisdag 7 september 2010

Spring is here

Yesterday was a beautiful day! The sun was shining and for the first time after the winter we could wear summer dresses! Anyway, we went to a comic/ movistore that was awesome and after that we had some chai lattes and some cookies at a cosy cafe in an alley! Pretty good day!

Sara & Chungie

lördag 4 september 2010

Sugar rush

Guten abend!
We just came home from the movies. We saw Going the Distance. Great Movie. You should definitely see it! Why do you eat too much candy though? You always eat until you nearly vomit and then you tell yourself never to repeat this bad habit... but then the next time you still do the same thing all over again!!? Anyway, Linda also had to drop our coke on the floor. The fall made a small hole in it and we had to drink really, really fast not to waste it all as it kept dripping to the floor. Well done Linds. HAHA!

Time for bed now!
Night, Night!
Sara and Lindie

fredag 3 september 2010

Beautiful Sundemo..

I have been to an interview for octane today! A street wear store. Unfortunately is a weekend job, but it is better than nothing! I took a McDonald's ice-cream for 50 cent and ate pasta at Sara's work before I went home, but know I'm home just listening to Frida Sundemo. Seriously,,, Listen to the song! It's like the cutest song ever!

See ya..

torsdag 2 september 2010

Kind of annoying

Why are there so many artists coming to Melbourne when we are leaving?? U2, Crowded House and Rihanna are just some of them. Pretty annoying!!

Sassie and Chung

onsdag 1 september 2010

Lonely Linda..


Sara is working. So that means I'm lonely today! Can't wait til my little friend comes home! I have been exercising this morning at our gym, pretty exhausted! It's really bad weather today so I decided to stay inside and watch a movie. Maybe clockwork orange, really good movie or maybe watch a episode or dexter. ME LIKE <3 You guys should check it out=)

See ya!